What do you believe you can have?


I bet you believe you can go into a grocery store, put at least some food in your cart and pay for it, right? And you prove your belief to yourself whenever you do this. For you, grocery shopping and the ability to pay for food is your reality.

But for many on this planet, it’s not. Why does your belief allow you to buy food, and others’ do not?

Oh, I know there’s all kinds of ideas and reasons masquerading as reality around the “why” of this phenomenon, but the simple truth is you can buy food and you’ve proven it to yourself many times over no matter what others in the world believe to be true about buying food.

You believe you can buy food without question, and your experience accurately reflects your belief.

There’s a reason I’m not a huge fan of positive affirmations if you’re trying to create something new for yourself, maybe something that’s a bit of a stretch. Positive affirmations will only get you so far. They are simply a way to stop telling yourself what it is you don’t want (a good first step), but they are only a mantra of fantasy if you can’t believe it and feel your belief. And they’re downright discouraging if you never see them come true.

I suggest you ask only once for what you want and if you’re worthy of it, you’ll have it. If it doesn’t come, ask: What do I believe about my worthiness? then work on that. I also highly suggest you start with smaller things to build up your creation muscle, like front row parking or allowing money to come to you in any form from anywhere without judgement.

I also encourage you to write out a bucket list of things you’d like, but they feel like a stretch. Why write out a list? The word ‘writ’ means decree. You are declaring what you want. Spelling out words is simply a ‘spell’ you’re casting on your decree. Casting a spell is simply an intention with some energy punch. (Isn’t the English language fascinating? I bet you didn’t know that’s what you were doing. 😊)

Your bucket list items are great practice in exercising your worthiness muscle. In the meantime, work on creating things you’re not so attached to. It’s all the same energy, but if you don’t care one way or the other if you get it, then there’s not a strong belief that keeps you from thinking it’s not possible for you to have it. Notice everything you already take for granted as something you are worthy of, like owning a vehicle or some sort of transportation, a living space, a job, clothes, friends, loose change (coins) on your dresser, etc.


On August 30th, I’m hosting a day with LINKON FOLEY—a talented astrologist living in LA. If you’ve ever wondered about this fascinating peek into your birth plan, this is your opportunity to learn from a skilled reader of the cosmos. What Linkon can help you with, as is written in your birth chart: Money and how to make it or do best with it, career, family life, love life, health, and how your variables relate and trigger your circumstances. He does a brief overview of your whole chart, then dives deep into your requested areas, or what you want to know most.

Have an in-person reading with Linkon on the farm (N1761 130th Street, Plum City, WI 54761), or by Zoom. LINKON WILL NEED: Your full name, birthdate, exact birth time, and place of birth. Click this link to sign up: https://www.cosmiclink.online

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.