Are your night dreams important?


I recently visited with a beautiful elderly woman who told me that in her dreams she’s always lost or someone she knows is lost. I asked her what she thought that meant? She waved a dismissive hand at me. “Nothing,” she said. “It’s only a dream.”

Almost all of us experience dreams while sleeping. Sometimes they feel like premonitions, sometimes like nightmares, sometimes they are sexual, or a loved one visits. Sometimes they make no sense at all. But are dreams real? Are they important?

Dreams are real and they are important, and most ancient cultures understood this. Dreams are the communication tool of your subconscious—the bigger part of you that knows the solutions to where you are stuck.

Based on my own dream experience and lots of years interpreting the dreams of my clients, I’d call them instructive. I find those dreams with the most meaning tend to be those you have right before you wake. The more frightening the experience or the more the same one repeats, the more you need to pay attention.

So much of our waking state is taken up with the business of life stuff—work, family, friends, bills, chores, events. While necessary, these are almost never what your soul finds important for its evolution.

If you’ve become distracted with life, dreams are often the way your soul gets its message across to help you refocus on what’s relevant to your immediate purpose. If you dismiss the dream, you will get another and another, often increasing in intensity until you do pay attention and take action.

Nightmares are usually the result of the soul sifting through your memory banks using what’s there to get you back on track in the quickest way possible, especially if you’ve ignored all other attempts during your waking hours.

How do you get off-track? When you make decisions that feel wrong to you and force yourself to live that way. Or when you have an idea that feels wonderful, but you don’t follow it up with action.

Pay attention to your dreams, they truly are soul messages and can save you a lot of heartache, frustration, wasted time and resources. Take the time to understand your dreams and follow their wise instruction. In fact, I wrote this whole newsletter dictated entirely by a dream.

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.