How to know you’re on your path


You are the master of your own reality. On some level you absolutely know that. As a human being, you sometimes forget that and it can seem as if things are happening to you instead of for you.

Here’s two very simple, if not obvious ways to know with certainty that you’re on your path:

1. You’re still alive. If you were dead, your part of this grander experience of living a human life would be over. No more path as a human being.

2. Whatever you’re experiencing right now is your path. How do you know? Because you’re experiencing it. If it wasn’t yours, you wouldn’t be experiencing it.

Now, what you think you’re experiencing and the quality of your experience is up to you. Here’s some guidelines between creating unconsciously and consciously:


  1. Your emotional life is unstable. You have limited control of your emotions with up and down extremes

  2. You’re intensely involved in the outer world and get your validation of worth from what other people think

  3. You have strong opinions on what’s good/bad, right/wrong, etc.

  4. Your decisions and life are driven by fear


  1. You listen to the language of your Soul which speaks to you through your feelings (not emotions).

  2. You act on your Soul language and create the changes you’re prompted to make

  3. You value quiet time alone. In silence you hear the whispers of your Soul

  4. You understand that EVERYTHING is happening for you and not to you. You blame no one and no thing.

If you need some help with any of this, I’d love to support you via a private session. The better you understand your creative power and own it, the more exciting and joyful your life becomes.

Another way I want to support you is through an upcoming in-person event I’m hosting here at the farm. Five people maximum. Here’s some info:

Unwinding the Nervous System Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Energetically, Naturally

Our nervous systems are replenished once every 100 years! Since most of us haven’t lived that long, there’s a LOT of misunderstood experiences being held in this system waiting for our review. Basically, you are your own library of experience stored in your nerves.

Through a specific body position, you’ll learn how to allow your body to let go of the trauma, drama, and pain it holds in the nervous system.

This technique is especially useful for those with anxiety, depression, PTSD, pain, and for those who feel stuck in any aspect of life. This technique is repeatable and something you can teach your loved ones. No experience necessary. 5 attendees max.

Bonus: Learn how to drop unwanted weight and maintain health through body trust, awareness, and a few simple, but powerful energy techniques.

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.