How to awaken AND be bitter


For the past month we’ve had a little conversation going about how to end victimhood by using some tools to stop the mind story that’s creating and activating the trauma within you. But what if you absolutely can’t stop the story? What if you can’t stop thinking? What if no matter what you do or tell yourself, you still feel bitter?

That’s no problem. No problem at all. You can absolutely keep your bitterness, your anger, your depression, or whatever you feel and still awaken to the conscious creator within you.

Super cool, right?

Here’s how you use the story you tell yourself to fully awaken to your creative power: Be the best bitter, angry, depressed person you can possibly be—consciously. Choose to be bitter and angry and depressed. Be super inventive about it and let yourself really go.

Don’t try and stop any thought around the feeling. Let it all out. Say to yourself: I want to be a bitter angry bitch. I’m really a great manipulative bastard. I’m wonderfully creative and delight in what I’ve chosen. Look how the entire Universe conspires to bring me all kinds of people and circumstances so I can have my experience of being bitter, angry, and depressed. It’s a miracle how this all works and the kind of power I have in this co-creation called life.

Now watch how your life unfolds. Every bitter, angry, depressed thought you’ve had shows up as a person or circumstance in your life. Maybe your boss fires you or you lose a big client. Maybe you have a whopper of a fight with your partner, child, co-worker, neighbor. Maybe you have an accident or get sick or lose money. All wonderful ways to experience your thoughts played out in your reality.

But please don’t judge anything. Simply notice what’s happening. When you see how what you were thinking and feeling becomes your reality, CONGRATULATE YOURSELF, because now you’re conscious.

Never again will you blame anyone for your circumstances. Never again will you judge or justify or avoid or complain about people or what unfolds in your reality. You will choose it all because you have chosen it all through your thoughts.

Now you’re in your sane mind and will find great joy in creating whatever you create because you’re aware of your enormous power. You understand that nothing happens to you, it happens for you and because of you. You will understand you were never a victim. You are a magnificent wise being creating experiences so you can once again remember who you are, and everyone is helping you with that. You will feel great appreciation for those wonderful souls who have answered your call to co-create your experiences with you and FOR you…even if it doesn’t feel so wonderful in the moment you’re experiencing it.
And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.