The fastest and easiest way to reduce stress and boost your immune system


I have to admit, turning the calendar page to December felt a little wrong somehow—like how the heck can it be December already?!

Do you feel like that? A bit surprised by how fast this year has gone by? If you do, then you might also feel some stress as you look at the Christmas deadline a quick four weeks away—the decorating, the shopping, the baking, the holiday programs and parties…

Whew! Just reading the above paragraph makes my pulse race and my energy vibration dip into the anxiety zone.

So how can you (and me) accomplish your holiday to-do lists without feeling the stress of it? How can you slow yourself down enough to live in the present so you enjoy your moments, make all your other deadlines, and still be a sane, pleasant person to be around?

And whatever this magic technique is, it better be something quick, right? None of us need anything more to do.

The fastest and easiest way I’ve found to reduce stress and boost your energy is this: begin your day with three deep breaths—in through the nose, exhale long through the mouth. Say to yourself—Love, light, and healing energy flows through me for my highest good. Take one more deep breath and get on with your day.

And that’s it. But don’t discount the HUGE and lasting benefits of this simple technique. The deep breaths bring more oxygen into your body creating stress-reducing endorphins that boost your immune system, and the affirmative intention is helping your brain let go of old patterns that are no longer helpful.

This is the way I begin each day and every Healing Touch session. The technique works beautifully to promote a real sense of peace and mind freedom, because it puts you in touch with your own sense of Highest Self where all things truly are possible without stress overload.

You can use this technique throughout your day whenever you need it. If you’d like to experience a Healing Touch Energy session with me either in-person, via Zoom, or phone, click here to schedule your appointment.

Love and light, Beautiful Being!
