One thing you need to know about gratitude

I love Thanksgiving. The day to give thanks is my favorite holiday. It has all the yummy foods, toasty atmosphere of family and friends gathered together, no gift-buying that needs to be done beforehand, and precious moments to contemplate what I’m grateful for.

Which brings me to an interesting energy observation about gratitude.

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Gratitude is the great enhancer of whatever you’re focused on, and it always brings more.

We’ve heard plenty of talk about how to use gratitude to get even more of what you desire. But what’s been forgotten is gratitude is always present and it doesn’t decide what’s bad and what’s good. It simply and awesomely enhances our every thought and feeling about our experiences.

We’re constantly creating our perception of what’s happening in our lives through our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions, and gratitude says yes to all of it. Whatever our focus, gratitude says yes, let’s enhance it and bring more. It’s up to us to decide what we want to enhance by our focus.

What that means is if you’re focused on a sore elbow, gratitude gladly enhances the experience of a sore elbow.

To reverse the sore elbow, focus on your perfect fingers and the 3,000 sensing receptors in each finger that help you determine the ripeness of a tomato, or the subtle skill of putting in a contact lens without poking out your eye. Then work up to your wrist and focus on the perfect way it moves and how your life is easier because of this feature. Then find another focus and another, and soon you’ll find your elbow pain is greatly reduced or no longer hurts.

Of course, you can always ask your elbow if it has a message for you, and I promise, it does. Ask what it wants you to know, but keep your focus light and inquisitive and intent on getting a clear answer.

Use gratitude—the great enhancer to help bring your answers. You can say something like, “I’m grateful for the pain in my elbow because I know there’s a message here for me that I didn’t get any other way. The answer will help me live my best life.” Then take a deep breath and wait for your message to pop in.

During this season of giving thanks, how will you use the great enhancer gratitude? If you need some ideas, book me for a Healing Touch energy session. Enjoy Turkey Day!

Love and light, Beautiful Being!
