Are you repressing your natural stress reliever?

I once heard the phrase “all body fluids are sacred.” This stuck with me, because if this was true that meant crying was sacred.


I never was much of a crier. If I cried it was because of a loved one’s death, or I was so angry that a few tears might escape down my face like runaway felons. Tears were weakness. Girl weakness. And because I stopped my body’s natural process, I released that pent up emotion in less healthy ways, like extreme anger.

I’ve come to understand the body is amazingly intelligent. It knows what to do when pressure is building and it knows how to release it. Tears are your body’s release valve and detoxifier.

Don’t try to stop your tears. Your body is telling you it NEEDS to let go of some intense emotion, and crying is helping your body handle the emotion in a healthy way.

Go into your tears. Let them roll. Sob if you have to. Gnash, thrash. Get messy. Allow yourself to authentically express what you’re feeling.

Have you noticed that’s what children do? They’re genius. When something upsets them, they don’t hold back. They pitch a fit and get the emotion out of their bodies so it doesn’t build in their energy field and cause them harm. Animals do that too. They squawk and carry on, and then return to their calm selves because they feel better.

You’ll feel better, too, if you have a good cry when your body calls for one. Besides, you’re not really crying, you’re transforming an intense emotion into peaceful calm using the body’s own natural stress reliever.

Wow, I guess all body fluids are sacred, because having an easy, innate tool like crying to take some pressure off feels like a huge blessing.

If you find yourself in need of nurturing support through this holiday season, click here to schedule a Healing Touch energy session with me.

Love and light, Beautiful Being!
