Four ways to experience your angels

Since this is the Christmas season, I thought I’d share a bit of my experience with angels during Healing Touch sessions, and how you can get to know your own angels.

1.      The first thing I do is ask the highest angels to assist me during a session. If you want your angel’s help, you must ask for it. Angels never interfere with your free will.  

I often call for the help of the Archangels, and the guardian angels of the client as well as my own. But you can certainly ask for whoever is best suited for the task, and you can always call on the millions of unemployed angels. I’m told there are so many miracles just waiting to happen if someone would simply ask.

2.      Ask the angels to make their presence known in the best way possible for you.

When I’m working with an angel I feel a slightly warm pressure on the top of my hands. This makes sense to me, considering my job. I use my hands to detect varying vibrations within a person’s energy field. But I also “see” them as they work, which comes to me kind of like a movie in my head. This also makes sense to me as I’m used to visualizing and did so all the time as an interior designer.

When I watch Archangel Raphael, it looks to me like he’s hovering horizontally about a foot above a person. He works in waves of light, which most people feel while I’m seeing it, and he often touches them in certain pain areas with what looks like a golden light at the tip of his finger. Many report the pain goes away or drastically lessens at that moment.

3.      Be observant. Angels like to give signs to let you know they’re around.


Angels like to put feathers in weird places. I once found the tiniest white feather inside my refrigerator. But they’ll put a coin where an instant before you’d swear wasn’t there. I used to ask for a penny at every design job so I’d know I had help, and they always came through. They also use numbers, cloud shapes, meaningful songs, friends that show up and say the exact right thing just when you need to hear it. They use highway billboards and license plates, books, newspapers, the internet and anything with words to get their messages to you.

4.      Get still, take a deep breath and you’ll feel them.

I can promise you that at some point in your life you’ve been “touched” by an angel, but dismissed the sensation. I’ve seen angels kiss people’s cheeks, touch their necks, pat their heads, and give hugs, mostly from behind as if they are sheltering the person. When I point this out, people do say they’ve felt a tickle at their neck, or hugged, or their hair ruffled.

Now you don’t need to call on an angel for help. Everyone has their Highest Source Self/God Essence to co-create with. But I enjoy working with the angels, and do ask for their assistance when appropriate. They are super good supporters and healers.

If you’d like a Healing Touch energy session, click here to schedule your appointment.  

Love and light, Beautiful Being!
