A 1914 Christmas truce takeaway

A while back I read an article about the Christmas truce that took place in 1914 on the battlefields during World War 1.


Over 100,000 French, German, and British soldiers crossed trenches to exchange small gifts, play some football, and sing Christmas songs.

The soldiers held joint burial ceremonies and conducted prisoner swaps. They decorated their trenches with candles on trees, and got to know one another as persons, not enemies.   

The power of Christmas is quiet, silent. It’s a place inside you that holds space for the awareness we belong to one another. We’re not different. We’re all Consciousness experiencing our uniqueness in human form, and we’re all doing the best we can based on our experiences.

The soldiers innately understood this truth. In fact, we’re all BORN knowing this. Then we forget. Living a human life is challenging and confusing. Christmas helps us remember who we are, and how to cut each other some slack.  

Christmas is the one day of the year people the world over tap into the energy of kindness and goodwill that the day offers whether you believe in it or not. There’s no requirement to believe in Christmas in order to feel the healing energy of it. When two or more gather with open hearts, the intention brings the miracle of peace and unity within.

If you’re struggling to sense the ever-present peace within, try a Healing Touch energy session. The gentle, relaxing light touch therapy works with your energy to help you regain your sense of balance and peace. Click here to schedule your session.

Merry Christmas to you and yours, and much happiness and health today and every day.  

Love and light, Beautiful Being!
