My Mom’s final gift to me

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My beautiful mother passed away on Saturday, August 21st. She died peacefully and lovingly supported by family. Mom was 90 years old. She died three days shy of her 64th wedding anniversary to my dad who is 92.

In recent years, my mom truly let most of the worldly things go like cooking, cleaning, laundry, paperwork, shopping, gardening, or planning anything. She easily, and seemingly without guilt handed everything over to dad. Her only concern or care was for family. Family was all she was interested in. In her last week she took both my hands in hers, looked me in the eyes and said, “Family is all there is.”

She was in and out of the hospital a few times this past year. Her last hospital stay was in July for a stretch of 10 days. Every nurse loved her. I was told by a nurse that they weren’t supposed to have favorites, but my mother was theirs’. It was during this stay a nurse entered her room, took one look at me and said to Mom, “I sure can tell this is your daughter, she looks just like you.”

Mom turned to me with great love as she held my eyes. She shook her head, and said to the nurse, “No. She’s perfect.”

This makes me cry just thinking of that moment. Who wouldn’t love to hear something like that from their mother? It was only last week the full meaning of her words came to me—everyone is perfect. Of course, they are. Period. It’s only my skewed perception that would make me believe otherwise.

In those last months of Mom’s life, her perception was no longer skewed in any way. She was living through her heart center and coming from a position of pure conscious love. The words she spoke came from this truth, and I’m a much richer person for witnessing this type of unconditional love in the form of my ailing, aging mother. My gift.

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

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