Are you feeling scattered and not quite grounded? Here’s why...


As an energy intuitive, I’m forever looking at where I’m putting my focus. I know that where I have my focus, that’s where my energy is as well. Wherever my energy is, that’s what I’ve given my thoughts and power of creation to. Get where I’m going with this?

So, if I’m feeling scattered, unfocused, not centered or grounded, then I know my energy is most likely all over the place and it’s time to get clear on where I’ve divided my attention. 

This past week I’ve noticed two distractions that I wasn’t even aware of. Distractions that generate thought and not necessarily in a bad way, it’s just in a way that keeps me from creating as I want to.

So, what are these distractions?

1. Physical objects I no longer resonate with.

Doesn’t matter what it is, if I can’t use it or it no longer feels right to have it, I donate the object to a charity. Otherwise, my focus lands on the object and I automatically think: why do I have this? I don’t like it/wear it/etc. This is wasted thought energy.

Or if it’s an object given to me by someone else, I automatically think of them without realizing it. Again, not bad or wrong, just not a conscious use of my powerful thoughts of creation. If I look at these things many times throughout the day, that’s a LOT of scattered energy that I’ve given to others through an object.

2. Facebook groups and people I follow.

When I sifted through the groups I belong to and the amount of people FB said I follow, I was shocked.

I discovered most of those that I was following happened because I simply hit the “like” button when they asked me to do it. Sorry, but I won’t be doing that anymore. Energy-wise it makes no difference if I actively participate in these groups (or even remembered becoming a part of them) a part of me agreed to belong and that’s all it takes to put a piece of my energy in place. I immediately unfollowed all but one person and got out of every group except for a couple I really resonate with.

Again, doesn’t mean following people or belonging to groups is wrong or bad in any way, but are you consciously aware that a part of you is then tied to the group or the person you follow? That means more of your energy is focused on something outside of you and can make you feel a bit more scattered without knowing why.

I know that a piece of my energy is in everything I’ve given my focus to, whether I remember it or not. I also know I’m the only person responsible for my energy and how I use it to create my life. If I want to create with intention and clarity, I must be uber clear on where my energy is at all times.

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.