How to build your best life by using graceful destruction


One of my favorite ways of understanding energy (God, Source, Life) is by paying attention to how nature does things. If it works for nature, it will definitely work for me because my core biology is an integral part of the earthy natural world.

So how does nature transform and build something even better than what it was before? By tearing down what was and starting over. Think of how winter destroys plant growth, only to have the tiny sprouts vigorously force themselves through the dense earth crust once again in the spring. Trees bud, flowers bloom and often more prolific than before. This graceful destruction that builds into renewal is done with such vibrant energy that all plant life seems to glow in spring.

All of nature is like that. Look how a caterpillar, snug in its cocoon, destroys its habitat to emerge as a brand-new butterfly. Fallen trees decompose becoming homes for insects, small woodland creatures, and nutrient rich soil for more plants, trees, and fungi. The perfect rose bloom gives way to the seed, the mouse becomes food for the hawk, the snowflake becomes part of the flowing river under the warmth of the sun.

How can you use graceful destruction to build your best life? By recognizing the only constant is change. Not one thing is meant to last forever in its current form. Everything changes and is meant to change. If something isn’t working for you, change your mind about how you are approaching the issue.

If a relationship no longer works for you, change the way you’re living it. Make different choices. Do the opposite of what you’ve been doing. With grace and ease, allow the idea to die that created what you think your relationship is or expect it to be.
Stop saying to yourself “nothing ever changes.” That’s the lie. Everything changes. EVERYTHING is unique and different in every single moment. There is no time this isn’t happening. That’s the miracle of God. God is life, choice, change, expansion and destruction. It is All and it is always unique in every single moment.

Allow the old relationship (or career, finances, health, etc) to end and morph into something brand new without judgement about what it has to look like. Learn from the old even as it’s leaving, and enjoy the new creation in the moment because it will never be that again. Use graceful destruction to move into clarity, and you will always be living your best life.       

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.