Are you aware of these 10 immune system boosters?


It’s that time of year again when I start talking about how to maintain a healthy immune system. If you live in the north, like me, there are certain vitamins and minerals that are normally provided through the outside environment that are not as readily available. I haven’t been sick—not even a cold—in many years.

Here’s what I’ve found useful to keep my body healthy:

  1. Vitamin D3—5000-10,000 daily. Twenty minutes of your skin exposed to the sun gives you all the Vit D you need for the day, but once the days get shorter and the sun less intense it’s vital you use a supplement to get what you need.

  2. Magnesium

  3. Calcium

  4. Zinc

  5. Vitamin C

  6. Water—at least have your body weight in ounces. More if you can (coffee, soda, milk, juice doesn’t count). Water is a natural body purifier. Our body doesn’t function well without it.

  7. Movement—your lymphatic system does not have a natural pump like the heart. You need to move to help it do its job. Swing your arms around. Do squats. Walk. Dance. Move. Minimum, massage the lymph on your body to help them push toxins out.

  8. Lose weight if you need to as it’s so much easier for your body to function. I know this task is easier said than done, but much of our added weight is because of our emotions—the way we feel or believe. When my mom died, I gained 2 pounds overnight, not because I ate more (I actually didn’t eat) but because I had a heavy heart. What you think and feel matters = turns into actual matter or form. Form has weight. Emotions have weight. Belief systems have weight. Once I moved through my grief, the weight automatically left.

    NOTE: Diets are not the answer. We are unique and one size does not fit all. I’m hopeful the day is coming that all regimented diets go away and each person becomes completely tuned into their own body needs in the moment. A fluid presence.

  9. Talk things over with a friend or someone you trust that will listen without judgment. If you’re troubled, don’t bury your emotions. Get your burdens out. You’ll immediately feel lighter and supported. You’ll know you’re not alone and all things resolve with time.

  10. The Solfeggio Frequencies. Sound therapy has always existed and is another important viable way to heal. Here’s a little info on the Solfeggio Frequencies and how to use them. Solfeggio Frequencies - History, Science & How They Work ( You can download these for free through many sites and Youtube. I often have whatever I need most playing in the background while I write or read.

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.