Does your personality create your personal reality?


World-renowned author, speaker, and chiropractor Dr. Joe Dispenza says yes. He specializes in neuroscience and says, “Your personality is your personal reality.” He has tons of scientific data that backs up his conclusion. ( to read his research)

So, what happens if you change your personality?

Your personal reality changes.

How do you change your personality? 

Change your thoughts. Pick different ones. Always reach for the higher thought and watch your personal reality change right along with your thoughts.

Why is this true?

Because you are a pure electro-magnetic being living on an electro-magnetic field that we call Earth.What you think creates your idea of reality. The more focus you give a thought, the more you get to have the experience of your thought creating even more thoughts around the experience.

I bet now you’re asking: If I’m creating my personal reality by thinking, how do I stop thinking certain thoughts?

Step one in changing anything is awareness of how the experience was created in the first place. Step two is taking action to change it.

Again, Dr. Joe says your personality is your personal reality. You know lots of people where you can see that’s true. Perhaps they’re crabby all the time, complainers. Their personality makes it difficult to be around them. And what do they say? Things like no one gives me a chance. People are jerks. I never get a break, etc. You can see their life isn’t as bad as they say and they are truly creating their own misery by how they think. No one wants to be around them because they are miserable.

What would happen if they started having more positive thoughts? Their actions would look different and so would their experiences. You would notice they’ve changed. And they have. Their thoughts changed and their world changed with them, noticeably. They are now easier to be around, easier to listen to. Life tends to feel easier and more fun for them as well. 

So how do you change a predominant thought pattern? Basically, an addictive thought?

Let’s use wealth for an example. Maybe you have enough money to pay your bills, but when they come, you get angry or anxious about them. You look at the bill with disgust and think things are out of hand. Everything is getting way too expensive. You can feel your body frequency dropping.

This is a lack mindset, built on the personality there is never enough, never will be enough, and deep down, you aren’t enough. This sets up a deep sense of insecurity within your body.

If you want to change your personal reality about wealth, you must get into a higher vibration. Think of something you enjoy right before you pay bills or log into your bank account. It doesn’t matter what it is you enjoy. It could be baking, playing music, petting your dog. Just think of something you really enjoy. You can feel how that thought lifts you, eases your mind, creates a feeling of well-being in the body.

Now pay your bills in this new vibration. This creates a whole new experience by sending out brand new thought waves into the electro-magnetic field which has no choice but to bring a matching experience.

Be consistent and your body drops the old addictive mind pattern in favor of the new thoughts you’re focused on. 

Keep it simple. Think of something you enjoy and don’t let your mind stray to the old pattern. This works for everything because you are the one creating your personal reality.  

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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