How to receive answers from Source


I recently listened to a podcast with Neale Donald Walsch as the guest. Mr. Walsch is the author of the tremendously popular Conversations with God series. His new book titled GodTalk attempts to answer the question he gets most often from people: How can I talk to God like you do?

The six steps he outlines seem similar to my own process of connection to the Divine Source for solutions or even just a good chat about things I’m curious about.

If you have doubt or question your ability to connect with and receive answers from the ever-present, all-knowing wisdom within you, here are a few starting points you might find helpful from GodTalk:

  1. Possibility. To have a conversation with the All-Knowing Source within, Neale Donald Walsch says the first step is to cultivate the possibility that God exists. That there is something within you and around you that builds everything you see and don’t see (like oxygen, gravity). It is the source energy of everything that responds to everything.

  2. Worthiness. To receive information from the Divine, you must accept your worthiness. You must step into your own right and innate ability as the divine creator you are.

  3. Willingness. Be willing to overcome the cultural and religious bias that God won’t talk to you or that you need an intermediary to have a conversation with God and receive answers.

  4. Wakefulness. God speaks to you in thousands of ways in millions of moments, but you must be alert to the unique ways in which you are answered. I journal, but I also “hear” answers in my mind, receive synchronicities and signs—like the perfect words from a friend right when I need to hear them. I am ever-vigilant for my answers and I always receive them. I’ve come to trust that while they may not always be what I think I want, they are what I need at the time.  

  5. Acceptance. Accept what’s happened and call it what it is—Source answering you. Respond to the information you receive by acting on it immediately. The information is FOR you to help you.

  6. Discernment. This is the ability to tell the difference between the Divine and information from the collective. The quality of information from the Divine feels helpful and a bit like common sense to me. I always feel better and lighter and have a larger understanding or perspective of whatever I’m struggling with. There’s a joyful freedom that bubbles within me and the heaviness of the problem disappears. I end up loving whatever I thought I couldn’t, and feeling completely at peace and loved for myself as is. A conversation with God makes me feel enthusiastically confident and that there’s nothing I can’t do. Anything that makes you feel less is not God.

I’ve grown to absolutely trust my connection with what I think of as God or Source Wisdom. It may have started with faith, but the bottom line is the answers I receive are helpful and accurate, and I can count on them 100 percent of the time. 

Going within and having a chat with the One who knows me best is normal now and the first place I go to get my answers. I am certain everyone has this ability and the inherent right to receive their best advice in their own unique way. These six steps are just one way I find useful.  

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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