Do you foster a connection with beings other than human?


I’m reading a fascinating book titled The Power of Trees: How Ancient Forests Can Save Us If We Let Them; English version published 2023. The author is Peter Wohllenben.

There’s so much amazing information in this super readable book. Did you know when trees are starved for sugar during a severe drought they tap into their stored reserves and process this food by taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide? Because of this, a drought-stressed forest is no longer a source of oxygen.

I never knew that.

But one thing I did know is that trees are great at making connections and supporting one another. As it turns out, most plants are capable of complex levels of learning. In one experiment a researcher trained pea plants to behave in certain ways much like you’d train a dog.

This got me thinking about my relationship with plants, trees, flowers, rocks, animals, and nature in general. I believe they are all sentient beings alive in their own ways that may, or may not be, similar to humans depending on our level of understanding and awareness.

It is my belief that all is the God Consciousness in different forms of energy vibrations, not better or less than any other form. It’s up to each of us to decide how we want to interact (or not) with all beings regardless of form.

For me, I do tend to ask a flower if it wants to come into my home before I pick it. Most of the time I say, “Ok, who wants to come inside with me?” Almost always one or two will catch my attention to let me know they are willing. It’s rare it’s the first ones I look at.

I’ve had a neighbor pig come to the house and tell me he wanted water. I gave him water, he drank like someone who just crawled across the Sahara, then walked home.

My cats are good communicators and always let me know what they need when they come to the front door. Most often it’s food or water (though they have all of this twice a day in the barn). On occasion they’ve wanted me to babysit their young. The mothers bring them onto the porch and once I’m engaged, they leave for a bit.

While walking on our gravel road, I’ll sometimes pick up a rock I think is cool only to have it tell me to leave it be. Others might send little shocks through my hands letting me know they are not interested in being with me. The ones that want to come home feel warm and buzzy.

I guess my point is every sentient being has a way of connecting and communicating its wishes and purpose. I tend to feel (clairsentient) and hear (clairaudient) the messages, and trust what I get.

How do you connect with the natural world? What messages do you receive? Do you have faith and trust that you are capable of connecting with life forms other than human because you are not separate from anything? All is God interacting with God in its many unique forms.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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