Are you listening to your calling?


On Thursday my amazing dentist confirmed that my teeth are in jeopardy due to bone loss and gum decline. Two of them are loose. The treatment plan is to pull them, bone grafts, and implants. Ugh.

My dentist believes everything I’m experiencing is because of Lyme disease. She sees it quite a bit. Nothing she can do to reverse the damage. I felt devastated by this news.

I still do.  

I’m never sick. I don’t even get a cold. Yet this year I can’t seem to reverse what is happening in my body or stop it.

I know everything is energy moving at a certain frequency. I know when the disturbance is removed, the body is amazing in its recovery. As the old saying goes, hindsight is 20/20. This is the year for my awakening to how I am creating my world.What belief systems am I still stuck in? What have I stuffed and haven’t been willing to see?

I’m systematically moving through my life seeing the emotional “hits” I took at certain ages and the corresponding result in my body. At age five I started to doubt myself—always a devasting experience. From that point on I developed severe stomach aches and nausea.

At age eleven I took on the belief that girls are inferior to boys. This began my first bout with Lymes because the disease and my vibration were a good match. By age twelve my tonsils were removed which are part of the immune system.

At age twenty, all my teeth loosened from stress. I was studying for state boards for nursing, working double shifts, building a house, and planning a wedding. I was also in three weddings that year.

And on life goes. I may have forgotten the experience, but the body doesn’t. If not processed and understood, the vibration lives on in the body only to resurface at some time for understanding which brings healing.

This is my time.

I am full-blood Irish. I’ve had an inner calling to spend time in Ireland, but I’ve ignored it for at least five years. My husband has no interest in Ireland or overseas travel, and I had convinced myself I’m too busy to go. I don’t need to go. But the truth is I’ve been too scared. I know this is a faith journey. I won’t be going with a tour group and I don’t have an itinerary. I will go where I’m lead.

Lymes is a bacterium that lives in the blood. I’m meant to stand on the land of my blood and clear it. I’m meant to listen to the ghosts of my ancestors and hear their wisdom carried within my DNA. I’m meant to be fully who I was always meant to be, and I don’t even think I’ve scratched the surface.

So, I leave for Ireland on August 28th and will return on September 30th. I’ve rented a small cottage in the country and I’m taking the time to listen and connect to the powerful magic that has always been me. A wise friend with her own mission will come for half the time, and the rest is just for me.

My newsletters will change a bit over this next month as I intend to share with you what I’m learning and integrating along the way. 

I know you are also waking to your own inner stirrings however they present for you. This is your time and our time collectively as humanity wakes from the illusions of self and embraces its wisest, most compassionate form of Self. What are you being called to? Are you listening?

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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