When should you implement the Irish good-bye?


In June 1962, over sixty employees of a US textile factory developed a mysterious illness dubbed the June bug epidemic. The illness swept through the factory within a couple of days and included symptoms of numbness, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. Some employees were hospitalized. It was thought the sickness came from insect bites.

Doctors and experts from the US Public Health Service Communicable Disease Center were called in, but no bug bites were found on the workers. In fact, no toxins were found anywhere. The phenomenon became a classic example of what’s known as social contagion.  

Social contagion is the subtle and mostly unintentional spread of emotions and behaviors from one individual to another.

Emotions impact all of us 24/7. Most of the debilitating energy blocks I see in a person’s field that keeps them from living the life they prefer come from the heavy influence of another person’s negative emotions. These emotions impact your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, stress levels, health, the amount of money you make, and the actions you take.

How do you know if you’re in danger of contracting a social contagion? Here’s your clue:

If every time you feel worse after you’ve interacted with a particular person, RUN! The constant negativity of complainers, whiners, and victims will drag you under with them.

Stop tolerating this toxic energy. If you have people like this in your life, give them the Irish good-bye as they say. Move away without judging them, and stay on your path. Imagine and implement your ideal future, and allow everyone else to have theirs whatever it may be. You’ll feel sooooo much better.

As a side note: This Wednesday (Feb 21 at 6pm) we’ll be having a conversation about how to take better care of your body. I’ll be demonstrating proven techniques to strengthen your immune system and energy field. These techniques will support anyone going through any type of illness including cancer. But they are also important in the prevention of disease. Click the link to join the conversation. See you there! Inspired Sharing with Jenni and Mary — mary m. bauer (marymbauer.com)

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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