When should you give your heart to someone?


When should you give your heart to someone?

The short answer is NEVER. Under no circumstance should you give your heart to someone or something else. Not a child, not a partner, not a parent, a pet, a plant, a cause, a career, a place. Never give your heart away.

I think we’ve become a little confused about what our heart is and its function. Your heart is your direct communication with your highest Self, your God Essence. It’s the way you receive all the ideas, thoughts, and wisdoms that are best for you. You. Not someone else.

We’ve been too caught up in the romantic idea that to give your heart to someone or something means love, when it actually creates the opposite—conditions and expectations. Instead, move fully into your heart and expand your love by remembering to first fill yourself with great compassion, joy, and enthusiasm for your life. You can only give to others from what you have. If you’re empty inside, you have nothing to give.

How do you fill your heart?

  1. Stay true to yourself. If it feels like something you don’t want to do, then don’t do it. If it feels like obligation, don’t do it. Honor and trust your heart to know what is right for you, and don’t go against what you know to be true for you.

  2. Have faith in the way life works. Develop the confidence that things are happening FOR you, not to you.

  3. Give yourself some space to listen to your heart. Don’t fill every waking moment. To gain wisdom from your highest Self, your God Essence, you must make some quiet time to be alone. Then trust what comes without judging. Act on what inspires you, what feels joyful.

  4. Be good to yourself. Let your heart tell you how much you’re loved as its messages are directly from God. You will ALWAYS feel good about yourself when you’re listening to your heart. Ignore the inner critique that has nothing good to say about you.

  5. Never expect anyone or anything to make you happy. That’s an inside job and comes from practicing all of the above.

  6. Neither can you make anyone else happy. But you can fill yourself with love. Start there, always. Get centered. Relax. Find peace and joy within. This beautiful, loving vibration then radiates out from your heart center and automatically permeates everything it touches. You don’t have to do anything more.

Don’t ever give your heart away. Keep it. It holds your highest wisdom and knows how to expand the love within you.

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.