What is creating your reality?


Before I start, let me just say I’ve got an aware bunch of readers! Last week I talked about showing love and gratitude for the cells of the body especially when in pain, and many of you emailed you were already doing that. Super cool!   

Today I want to talk about the reality of you. You are the experience of the Infinite Source of Everything. Your thoughts and feelings are energy that literally turn into matter. What you think and feel generates energy and aligns with more of the same energy giving you an experience of what you are thinking and feeling.

To me, I find this news comforting and easy to prove. Most of us have had the experience of thinking about something and within a short amount of time we experience what we were thinking. Two days ago, I was thinking about decluttering my kitchen and how good that would feel. I realized I could do without the spoon holder I use to dry my scouring pad and instead use the silverware basket for drying.

Well, I forgot the thought until today when I dropped a glass on top of the holder and it shattered into a million pieces. I laughed so hard as I realized I thought about removing the holder two days ago, but didn’t do it. Now it’s done, and it does feel good not to see it.  

Our thoughts and feelings are powerful creative energies. Energy is all there is and it is always creating our sense of reality. That’s how this physical universe works. But what happens if we stop thinking? What are we capable of then? Is it even possible not to think?

Most of us have heard stories of ordinary people who come upon a bad car accident and are able to lift the car off the person all by themselves like Superman. (I found these actual stories on news networks ABC, NBC).

How did these people do it? Where did they get their superhuman strength without breaking any laws of physics governing our world such as gravity? What about all the masters throughout the ages (and presently) who also displayed some pretty amazing feats without causing havoc in the quantum field?  

Could it be we truly are limitless beings who create our own limits about our life by what we think and feel? And isn’t this exactly what every master in every culture in every time has always said?

There is mounting scientific evidence that thoughts and feelings are energy and they do shift reality. Many studies work with plants and the impact thoughts and feelings of heartfelt have on their health. The results are remarkably favorable for accelerated growth and vitality compared with plants that do not receive the loving thoughts. 

The reality of you is that your thoughts and feelings are key creators for how you experience your life. Next week I’ll give several ways to stop the mental mind pattern in order to experience more of your highest Source wisdom.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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