Got pain? Powerful way to relieve it


You probably already know about the magic of gratitude when it comes to shifting your perspective from negative to positive. But gratitude is also a powerful tool for the relief of body pain and may even cure whatever you’re struggling with.

Most of the time when in pain, the focus IS the pain. The story the mind creates around it is something like oh-oh, that’s not good which tends to create an undercurrent of fear. The mind immediately searches its memory for the originating source of the pain. If it can’t come up with anything plausible, it searches for comparison stories of others leading to more fear.

Chronic pain becomes a story that says this pain shouldn’t be. This is wrong. Something is wrong.

But the body is never “wrong.” It’s an accurate messenger that tells you a lot about how you feel and think about the experiences you’re having.

If you are in pain, please do what makes sense to you like going to your medical/alternative support people, but also help your body feel better by showing it love and gratitude for doing its job perfectly. Here’s a step by step suggestion of what that may look like:

  1. Take a deep breath and center yourself.

  2. Feel the pain but don’t make it wrong.

  3. As best you can, imagine all the cells in your body that immediately go to work to fix whatever your mind/body is experiencing.

  4. These beautiful cells deserve your attention and gratitude. Thank them profusely. They never stop. They never complain. They do their job endlessly, relentlessly despite the messages given to them of fear, complaints, frustration, blame.

  5. Ask these beautiful creatures what support they need from you to do their jobs. Take another deep breath and listen quietly to what comes, then do that suggestion. Could be a prayer, a certain food, a walk, rest, or whatever you hear. Take action on the message.

  6. Afterward, every time you feel the pain, immediately think of the amazing cells doing their jobs and send them loving gratitude. Truly love them and tell them how you feel about them.

What does this type of gratitude do for the body?

It shifts perspective of your experience from wrong to everything is working as it is meant to. This changes the chemicals being pumped through your body from fight/flight cortisol to feel-good-all-is-well dopamine and serotonin. Now your body can relax a bit and do its job which is restore balance. Pain lessens. Body heals.

If tempted to fall into fear, complaints, negativity when experiencing pain, return your focus to gratitude for how hard every cell in your body is working for you no matter what. This is one powerful way to help your body help itself without putting up more roadblocks to balanced health.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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