Surprising ancestral healing


My driving is getting much better. Whew. I began to realize if a tour bus can get through these cow paths, so can I. For some crazy reason that calmed me down and I’m not fearful on the road. However, this newfound bravado has my travel partner Renee clutching her door handle. LOL.

This has been a week of integrating and allowing and in that I’ve found a calming presence within that’s growing.

I’ve visited so many interesting, beautiful sacred sites, and for once I’m not asking anything. I’m just in the moment absorbing. This space within feels new to me. It’s full of nothing. An interesting place for me.

And then a pivotal moment happened in my journey. My landlord told me of an ancient well and faerie circle within 2 miles of where I’m staying. It’s locally known and not on any tour map. I can say with confidence that there’s no way I would’ve ever found it without her instructions.

Yesterday (Sept 9), I felt called to check it out. Let me just say, wow! A soul shifter for me.

I walked under the farmer’s electric fence, through his field, then through another that emptied into a small wooded knoll vibrantly green, high vibe, and exactly the place you’d expect to find faeries. 😉

A monastic circle of early Christian stone crosses was first to grab attention. Just about every piece of yarn and glitter hung from trees as intentions, prayers, and homage to the residing spirits. I visited with a tree growing out of the circle stones and saw what I think is an ancient mortar and pestle. I touched nothing but the tree and had no desire to go into the circle. It felt like the old energy I’m wanting to transform within me.

Next, I noticed a small ring of stones just to the left of the enclosure with another ring of scrub trees. At the base of each tree was a little stone cross completing an outside ring. The markers themselves were rather unassuming compared to the ones mortared into the walled enclosure.

I visited each marker. At the seventh one the sweet smell I’ve come to think of as home was so intense, I knew I’d found my ancestors. This is the scent I can’t find anywhere on earth. It’s a bit like magnolia and jasmine, but not sickening sweet like that. I’ve wakened many nights with this scent so strong in my bedroom. 

Every hair on my arms rose. The message I received was the walled ring is not for me. It’s old energy. I was to go to the well and drink in the new. To claim myself for myself and start new. I also heard they would help me.

So, Renee and I walked through another field, passed through another gate, and entered a wooded site so vibrant with energy it brought tears to my eyes. In the middle was a brilliantly clear natural spring—the well.

The water glittered as tiny air bubbles burst onto the surface like those released from a bottle of champagne. I used the handy ladle hung on the step rail and drank the crisp healing water. Then we walked the outer ring through the little woods, gave thanks, and reluctantly left.

I made a short stop at the stone of my ancestors, said my good-byes, and walked away from the magical faerie realm. I have no idea what this all means or what’s next on my journey, but I feel forever changed in my thoughts and heart. I no longer need to know. I already know I’m guided and my choice is to follow where my heart leads. 

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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