How to stop empowering the victim within


Shame and blame are always the tools of the victim persona. This month I’m called to talk about how to stop empowering your victim identification by using some powerful, yet simple tools that can help you break out of a debilitating narrative.

We want to accept and acknowledge how painful some circumstances can be, but we don’t want to sink into a non-ending pity party. You are not a victim. You are formed in the likeness and image of God/Source. You have no limits on creative power, and are free to think and feel anything and everything.

This means no one but you can, or will, edit what you think and feel. This is true no matter if you’re wealthy, financially strapped, a homeowner, in prison, in a relationship, single, religious, nonreligious, a vegan, a meat lover, goal-orientated, or completely void of ambition. You alone have 100 percent say on what you think and feel, and this is absolutely true for everyone.

Your thoughts and feelings are the building blocks for what you perceive as your reality. What you focus on, tends to be true for you. If your reality is painful, you must ask what is your point of focus? Can you accept that a feeling is present within you, but not create a story around it? For instance, can you say: Anger is present, but leave it there without describing why? Can you say: Grief is present, but not give it a story why? Can you say: Anxiety is present, but not give it a story?

This is a perfect way to acknowledge what your body is feeling without creating a huge emotion around it. Emotion is energy in motion gathered through the story you’re spinning around the feeling that’s present in your current moment. By calling out the feeling, you become the witness without becoming the victim. You are not in denial of what you feel. You are not stuffing or avoiding or blaming or judging or justifying anything, and believe me, your body will thank you for that.

I’ve learned that if I simply acknowledge the feeling that’s present without story, it disappears even if the circumstance is still there. From this more neutral vantage as the witness versus the hurt persona, I begin to move into solution.

Most of the time, this is the point I’m able to say: This is for me, and even though I’m not quite seeing it yet, I know it’s mine because I’m experiencing it.

Now I have a new perspective that often brings understanding. Now I’m conscious and can make my next choice with awareness of what I want to create and the thought needed to create it. Then I choose to think only that. This is how you engage the creator within and say good-bye to the victim.
And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.