How to change your scenery with your thoughts

A long time ago I heard a phrase that went something like:


“You are not a tree. You can move.” 

Now I love trees. I have a ridiculously deep Bert and Ernie-type loooooved for them, and can’t imagine my life without them. But I’m thrilled I don’t have to live out my lifetime rooted to one spot.

I can decide what and how my scenery looks for me.

How do I do that?

I move my thoughts. I MOVE OUT the thoughts that aren’t in alignment with what I want to see in my life, and I MOVE IN the thoughts that are what I want to see.

My scenery changes when I consciously choose my thoughts.

What does that mean, my scenery changes?

When my thoughts are in agreement with what I want to see in my life, my electro-magnetic field attracts what I’m focused on in the best possible way for me. 

For instance, the other day I was shopping with the hubby in an antique store and I saw a clear bowl with a pour spout. That reminded me that I needed a glass measuring cup because mine was so old I could barely read the numbers on it.

I turned and directly across from the bowl I was looking at were FIVE measuring cups exactly like what I was looking for.

You can imagine what happens when you’re super clear about what you want and what you’re actually asking for with your thoughts.

So if you don’t like your scenery, MOVE the thought that created the scenery and REPLACE it with what you want to see.

Want some help moving thoughts or creating new scenery? Book an energy session with me.

Love and light, Beautiful Being!
