How to create a magical life


Here’s something I hear on a semi-regular basis: Mary, you’re so passionate about your life and I want that for myself too, but I just can’t do what you do…


First—you’re right. You can’t do me, because I’m busy doing me so shut the door please (wink J). But you can totally do you, and I’ll give you all the privacy you need. (LOL)

Second—you can think, right? That’s what I’m doing.

I’m consciously choosing my thoughts and they’re aligned with what I want to see in my life.

What do I want to see?

Everything that brings me joy.

What brings me joy?

The ability to use my talents that are for my highest and best good. I literally put all of my energy on what I wish to see in my life, and I don’t spend any energy on anything else.

I know my thoughts create my beliefs and my beliefs create the perception of how my life looks to me.

The friendlier I get with myself and my view of the world, the more I see everything I want coming into my life in the form of steps I can take to use my talents for my highest and best good. Then I TAKE THOSE STEPS.

This unfolding of my greatest vision gives me great joy which looks like passion.

That’s it. That’s real magic, and you’re the one with the wand. You’re the one who gets to decide what you want to think.

Need some help creating magic? Get a little tripped up in your steps Book an energy session with me.

Love and light, Beautiful Being!
