How are we like a flower?


In a recent conversation, someone shared with me they only concentrate on positive, good things that are in the light of God like a garden with beautiful flowers. They spend no time contemplating dark, evil things.

I hear this type of sentiment quite a bit, but here’s the thing. There are no flowers without the roots. The roots live deep within the dark of the soil. While it’s true the larger percentage of the flowering plant you see is in the light, the part that feeds, nourishes, and supports the plant lives unseen in the dark.

We are like the flowering plant. We live in the light where all is seen—our outer world. But we also live in the unseen dark—our inner world. What happens inside us (thoughts, feelings) helps feed our visible outer world. Both work together as a creative force providing unlimited ways to experience life. What we focus on within, we will help create in our outer reality.

We’ve forgotten who we are and have allowed ourselves to believe in fear. We don’t see reality for what it is. We see it through the beliefs, concepts, traumas we hold inside.

This is the time for radical trust. To see purpose in all life experiences without judgement or attachment. To form the faith that life happens FOR you, not to you. To know you are waking to your true nature and beginning to explore some big questions:

Who am I?

Where am I?

Why am I here?

Where am I going?

When is it over?

Then what?

You are as your Creator, unlimited infinite potential. Becoming that which you are means loving yourself fully, accepting all your flaws, and accepting who you are exactly as you are. 

Keep imagining the best possibilities and trust whatever shows up. Don’t fight your process. Trust life evolution. Know everything will work out in your very best way and have great compassion for yourself when you don’t understand everything.

You will. The portal to all information is within you. You are just beginning to close down the polarization of what is not you in favor of creating room within for expansion into who you really are. Trust everything is working toward your highest good. Even what you might call darkness.  

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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