Excited to offer The Emotion Code—a new way to heal and move forward


Michaelangelo is credited with having said, “Sculpture is easy. Just start with a block of marble and take away everything that doesn’t look like David.”

In many ways the path to self-awareness and healing is similar—the chipping away of all the programs, beliefs, and patterning emotions that are hiding the real you. 

I’ve been using The Emotion Code for the past month as a tool to help release trapped emotions that are holding the energy pattern in a person’s subconscious, preventing them from healing traumas, old habits, and addictive thoughts and behaviors that shut down their path forward. 

The positive results from using this technique created by Dr. Bradley Nelson have surpassed my wildest dreams. Here’s a few testimonials:

“It only took 10 minutes to release the severe anxiety I’ve felt most of my life. I was super thirsty afterward and drank tons of water. I got a great night sleep and was still feeling wonderful and energetic the next day. I want my husband to try this!”--Susie

 “I hadn’t had a bowel movement in 8 days and was miserable. Within 10 minutes after my session, I was in the bathroom and the problem was solved.” –Sydney

“I had a bad car accident 8 years ago and severely injured my lower back and right hip. My pain level has been a 10 out of 10 with sciatica running down both legs and feet. Nothing helped. I had my first Emotion Code session with Mary that took about an hour. By morning, the numbness and stiffness in my legs were gone, and my back and hip pain have been reduced to a level 1. It’s the best sleep I’ve gotten in forever. I can’t wait to have another session!” – Heidi
(As a follow-up one-week later Heidi can run 3 miles now without pain. Her session was conducted online.)

“I’ve had pain in my left shoulder and left breast for months. I’ve also suffered for several years with uncomfortable bloating. After one Emotion Code session my pain was gone and the bloating was almost nil. And it stayed gone! I have so much more energy, too. During my second session, I felt my sinuses clear. They had been blocked for years.” --Deb

“I’ve had severe anxiety for most of my life. I always felt like something bad was going to happen to my kids and husband. I’d tell them all the time to drive safe, be safe, and worried horribly until they got home. I had an Emotion Code session with Mary and I immediately felt different. Calmer. More at peace and was still feeling this calm the next day!”– Mandy 

You might wonder where all these programs, beliefs, and patterns come from that create so much pain in our life?

Most are created during childhood. Until the age of seven, children are predominantly operating in the theta brain wave state. Their brain in theta is extremely creative, absorbent, and highly receptive to suggestions. This is also the same state used during hypnosis therapy.

Because the brain in theta is so receptive, the messages children receive whether positive or negative, deeply embed into their subconscious. The subconscious is the largest part of your operating system. It perfectly catalogues every thought, emotion, and experience you’ve ever had and is the operating system that drives your perception of every experience.

As an energy intuitive, the formative childhood years is where I see the bulk of embedded programs and beliefs now plaguing people as adults. These energy blocks show up as anxiety, grief, anger, illness, guilt, addictions, lack, neuroses, worthiness issues, obsessions, and all kinds of self-imposed fears, illnesses, and pain.

Most emotions are buried so deep in the subconscious that the person is often baffled for why they feel as they do and why they suffer with chronic conditions. The Emotion Code works directly with your subconscious to identify and release trapped emotions still holding energy in your heart and body. Sometimes these emotions get trapped for generations and passed on through the DNA. Once released, all who inherited the emotion are free of it, including your children.

The Emotion Code method is simple. You sit in a comfy chair (or join me online) as I walk your subconscious through a few questions to root out what, where, when, and how the emotion became trapped. The subconscious is 100 percent accurate and knows what needs to go. Once the emotion is ready for release, I run my fingers down your governing meridian (center of head and back) effectively erasing the trapped energy. And it stays gone! It’s like erasing the coded strip of a credit card by sliding a powerful magnet over it. 

I’m super happy to now offer The Emotion Code as another way to help rid unseen and unwanted emotional baggage so you can be more of the energetic loving person you were born to be. The link is below to schedule a session with me.

If you want more information about The Emotion Code, you can click on this website: www.discoverhealing.com

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. (You may also choose Emotion Code at the time of purchase.) Click here to schedule.
Or click here to purchase an
intuitive life coaching package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.

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