50 ways to love yourself


For most of this month I’ve been talking about self-care and some of the things I do to keep my mind, body, and spirit strong, aligned, and feeling like me.

The “me” I’m talking about is a person who loves getting up in the morning, pretty excited about the possibilities the day brings. This aligned me doesn’t take things too personally, knows I’m already enough and have all I need within.

Is this how I wake every single day? No. But more days than not, because I practice being good to myself and loving myself the best way I know how. The better I love myself and understand my divinity at a core level, the better I love and understand the divinity in everyone else.

This brings me great compassion and peace for myself and all others. This shores up my faith in the reality that our world is truly beautiful no matter the circumstances I find myself in. That everything is happening for me and not to me.

I can work with that perception. It helps me find great comfort and purpose in myself as a co-creator with the Source/God Essence within me. This makes me much more conscious and purposeful in my thoughts and actions. I’m much more loving and less critical of myself and everyone else. In turn, this creates much more peace in the world I live in, personally and outwardly.

That’s why I practice self-care and encourage everyone to find a way to create a practice for themselves. So, I have a little homework challenge for you this week to help you create a practice, or if you already have a practice going, then this is just another tool:

  1. List 50 things you enjoy.

  2. Read your list every day.

  3. Choose at least one thing on your list each day and do it.

And that’s it. 50 ways to show yourself love by consciously doing the things you love. My kind of self-care practice!   

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.