Want more wealth? Get out of debt


People often create goals at the beginning of the New Year, and many list financial abundance as one their objectives. Yet at the end of the year, they may find they have even less money and more debt. Why do you suppose that is?

From an energetic perspective, I thought I’d talk a little bit about what it means to owe money to any person or organization, and why that can seriously hamper your financial stability.

When a person or organization, such as a bank or credit card company, agrees to pay something on your behalf, it’s a statement to the Source of All that something other than you is being responsible for your debt. You can’t pay for it, so someone else is paying for you and most of the time is with the agreement that you will repay them.

If you make your all your payments on time, the lenders deem you responsible with money and consider you a good risk for extended credit.

The Source of All sees it sort of like this too.
Money is simply another form of energy. If you are responsible for the energy you’re already using, you are ready for more. If not, you’ll find you have even less as you’ve not been consciously responsible with what you already have. It’s not personal. It’s just the way the energy system works.

At the beginning of this New Year, do take an honest look at your finances. Here’s a few tips to get you started:

  1. How much money do you take home?

  2. How much money do you spend?

  3. Is there any money left over?

  4. Are you spending more than you make?

  5. Do you enjoy being paid for your work?

  6. Do you enjoy paying your bills? If not, why is this different than getting paid for your work? Can you see how the other person that you owe may enjoy being paid for their work as well? If you don’t want to pay them for the services you agreed to, can you see how it’s possible others may not want to pay you? Life is a circle of balance. Your participation in the economy should also be a source of joy, inspiration, and motivation.

  7. Calculate what it would take to be financially free, and once you have that number begin to put together a plan to create the reality of it.

  8. On a scale from 1-10, how committed are you to the reality of your own financial freedom and taking the action steps necessary to honor that desire?

  9. To move toward financial freedom, name three specific changes in the following categories:

    1. What will you stop doing?

    2. What will you start doing?

    3. What will you continue to do?

  10. Repeat this mantra every day (excerpt from The Calling by Rha Goddess): I am taking my rightful place as a conscious creator of my own economy.

Becoming a conscious creator responsible for more wealth means you are already responsible for what you have and are ready to accept more. 

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.