Two events for empowered healing


Last Saturday we gathered for the first Breathwork class at Studio 2.0. Such a loving, healing event with many transformative stories shared afterwards with the support of the group.

One such experience revealed by a participant was that during breathwork the feeling in his stomach that he had had for decades was gone. This was significant for him as the big energy his body was holding in his solar plexus had made it difficult for him to breathe right.

Can you imagine his surprise and joy? And he achieved this on his own by breathing through his body. I’ve said it millions of times—the body is highly intelligent, perfect in every way, and knows exactly how to heal itself given the chance. 

Breathwork is an active meditation that gets you out of the mind by giving the mind something to concentrate on—the double inhale and exhale. This type of breathing floods the body with oxygen and endorphins, relaxing the nervous system.

There’s no thinking, answering questions, homework, nothing but laying on your mat breathing while listening to music and a few prompts. Can healing get any easier?

Breathwork is a quick way to process what’s held within your cells and energy field. And every session is different because you’re different every moment of every day. I love it for the clarity it gives me. It peels away layers of dense energy within my field and connects me to my imagination, ideas, and insights into projects.

If this sounds like your kind of empowered healing, click on the link below to participate in the next breathwork classes (January sold out, February open).


Unwinding the Nervous System Naturally

Through a specific body position, you’ll learn how to allow your body to let go of the trauma, drama, and pain it holds in the nervous system.

This technique is especially useful for those with anxiety, depression, PTSD, pain, and for those who feel stuck in any aspect of life. This technique is repeatable and something you can teach your loved ones. No experience necessary. 10 attendees max.

Bonus: Learn how to drop unwanted weight and maintain health through body trust, awareness, and a few simple, but powerful energy techniques.

  • Date: Saturday December 16

  • Time: 9:30-11:30

  • Cost: $49

  • Place: Studio 2.0, Ellsworth

  • Bring: Water bottle, yoga mat or blanket (you will be on the floor)

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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