Three mandatory steps to optimum self-care

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When I’m stuck on an answer, or want to know more about a subject, I journal. I allow myself to not “think” and simply write my questions. This works for me. I’ve written whole books using this method.

Back in early February 2021, I was going deeper into the concept of competition. Basically, I was exploring the reason for it and got out my journal. What came through in my writings was an expansion of the core concept of competition which is competent.

I was asked, “How competent are you at living your life? How competent are you at breathing? How competent are you at water intake? How competent are you at sleeping?

“These are the basics of what physical life requires. If you do these things in a competent way that shows you know how, you will have life.”

Wow, right? I mean, who hasn’t struggled to varying degrees with remembering to practice deep breathing, drinking more water, and getting restful sleep? You know, the basics that babies are good at?

Here’s some honesty: the body—our body wants to be healthy, and it wants to live. We need to get competent at the three vital things that support physical life in order to be healthy. Here’s a few ideas to help:

  1. Oxygen. We need it. We can’t last more than a few minutes without it. The best way to feel oxygenated is to practice deep breathing several times a day, especially if you’re feeling stressed or anxious.

    When our fight or flight emotion is engaged, our cortisol levels rise to give us that extra boost for action. However, when our cortisol remains up through anxiety, worry, or fear but there’s no real threat, then it becomes detrimental to the way our body functions. Deep breathing tells every cell in the body you’re safe, returning all body function to its rightful normal.

    Several times a day, practice taking in oxygen at a deep, conscious level. Inhale for the slow count of 5, exhale for the slow count of 5. Repeat several times until you feel yourself relaxing.

  2. Water. We need it. We can’t last more than a few days without it. Our body is made up of mostly water. Water helps our body communicate with all parts of itself. It helps us digest food, speak, receive brain messages, eliminate waste, is a building block for our cells, regulates body temperature, and so much more. We need to drink a LOT of water. A gallon per day, if you can. Soda, coffee, tea, juice, milk don’t count. It needs to be water in its natural state.

  3. Sleep. We need it. We can’t last more than a few days without it. Our mental health suffers greatly without adequate sleep. If you go 24 hours without even a nap, your brain will work the same as someone with a blood alcohol content of .10—above the legal limit to be convicted of a DUI. Three days straight without sleep, your brain struggles to keep it together. Conversation is nearly impossible.

In addition to sleep being absolutely necessary to function properly, you also lose weight while you sleep, and the body does cellular repair. For optimum rest, turn off electrical devices at least 2 hours before bed, and sleep in a cool, dark room.

Breathing, drinking water, and sleep. How competent are you with these life-affirming basics?

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.