Learn how our bodies talk to us

There are plenty of times our bodies talk to us using pain, especially if it can’t get our attention any other way.

Often our bodies want us to be aware of some repeated emotion or mental message we think or feel that is not serving our highest good.

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This past winter my hubby was rubbing his knee and told me it’d been hurting him on and off for a while. But he also said he’d been kneeling in snow all day at work installing siding on a house.

What I “heard” when I went into the energy of his knee ways, “This is stupid.” And I immediately got an image of him as a young man riding around on a snowmobile. I saw him duck from a snowball thrown at him, and he put his knee into some moving gears (the engine cover was off), shredding his knee to the bone.

So I asked him, “Is this the same knee that you hurt on the snowmobile when you were in high school?”

“Yup,” he said.

“Were you thinking it was a stupid thing to do?”

“That sounds like something I’d think,” he said.

“Were you thinking kneeling in the snow all day siding the house was stupid? And did you think you were stupid for doing it?”

“Well, it was stupid,” he said, and he got kind of riled with emotion. Bingo!

I showed my husband how the long ago injured knee was colder than the other. This is the knee that holds the emotion for him of “doing something stupid.” So whenever he feels this way, this knee acts up and shows him what he’s thinking/feeling.

Why is this important?

Armed with this knowledge, my husband now has a real choice about what he wants to do.

When his knee pains him, he can check to see if he’s doing or saying or feeling he’s off-track with what he wants to do, and then change his mind, feelings, actions to what does serve him at a higher level more to his liking. He can also transform the trauma from the injury if having it no longer serves him.

Is there something your body is telling you but you can’t quite get the message? Book me for an energy session and let’s see what’s going on.

Love and light, Beautiful Being!
