Intuition is the bridge to inner wisdom


I love how everything we need to know we can learn through paying attention to nature. For instance, each of us are like the seeds of a tree. The tree can die, but the seeds keep the wisdom and complete record of the tree.

This past Saturday over 20 people came together to learn more about who they are, how the universe works, and how they create reality within this universe. We learned through science and spirituality that there’s no such thing as a private thought and everything impacts everything because it’s all the one thing in a plethora of forms.

In order to navigate all this information and understand how to use it in our own best way, we practiced learning to use and trust our intuition—our own stellar loving guidance system that, like the seed, contains all our wisdom and our complete record throughout time.

And we had loads of fun doing it! 😊

One of the exercises we did as a group was read the subtle energies of a living plant and jot down the impressions that came to us without judging. Then we went around the room one by one, sharing what we had written as our interpretation of the plant’s energy. 

Guess what?

Almost everyone had the same things written on their paper! From loneliness, to needing more light, wanting to be upstairs, needing a bigger pot, and wanting to be with more people versus living alone on the lower level. The plant is now in the Studio’s front window because all read the energy, got the same information, which created action.    

The real magic was the ease in which each was able to connect with the plant and receive accurate information which was validated as each person shared what they wrote.

We are all channelers. All psychic. We all have intuition. We are born this way. We are all electrical/magnetic beings living within an electrical/magnetic field and can get information from anything and anywhere because we are all connected.  

I talk about your true power of creation a lot—thought, feeling, action. This runs like a vertical line from your crown (top of head) to your root base (tailbone area). Your mind is the thinking, your heart the feeling, your lower base the doing. They all must be in alignment to manifest.

On the horizontal, what you give must balance with what you receive through your center of intention. The horizontal and vertical of you in perfect alignment creates perfect manifestation.

Manifestation is not the law of attraction. When you manifest you are not attracting anything. You are creating something new and you have to do it within yourself.  

One of the core basics of manifestation is to keep your thoughts, feelings, intentions, words, and actions in the present without muddying them with beliefs. Beliefs slow the process down.

What do I mean by this?

In the old biblical text it’s been written that the name of God is “I am that I am.” It is not written: I believe I am that I am. Muddy. You either experience you are or you are not.

To manifest, start with present phrases such as: I think this. I feel this. I do this. Not, I believe I think this. I believe I feel this. I believe I do this.

Belief opens doubt and will lead to a victim story and not inner guidance—I believe I think this because…everyone I know thinks this so it must be right. Or I believe I feel this because…that’s an appropriate emotion in my society. Or I believe I do this because…that’s the right reaction based on what I was told/shown.

Beliefs lead to validation through others and their interpretation of information, and not the perfect wisdom within that is uniquely you. 

Remember, you are already that which creates, thinks, feels, does, intends, receives, gives. You are born that way. These are your powers. Align with them. Your loving intuition guides your way. It is the seed that holds your wisdom ever present in you.    

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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