How to use imagination for healing


One of our greatest powers of creation is our imagination. Before anything exists as a form or experience, it first passes through the realm of human imagination.

How important is imagination?

Einstein said: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.”

“Everywhere” for me, includes inside the bodies of my clients. When working, I often see what I call The Construction Crew working away inside people. They wear hard hats and look a bit like those little yellow minions from the movie Despicable Me. I see them doing all kinds of helpful things like washing down your stomach lining with pink/gold soothing goopy light they get from a mop bucket. 

This seems like my imagination, right? Yet, the client always feels this work being done inside them.

The little crew does lots of cool things to help a person heal. Sometimes they kiss the painful area over and over until there is relief.

One of the last tests you perform for certification in Healing Touch is session work on your mentor. I was a bit nervous at first as I worked on my extremely skilled RN veteran mentor who was there from the conception of the Healing Touch program. If she didn’t feel any energy moving in her body, I wouldn’t pass.

I watched my little helpers as they worked on her and hesitantly confessed what I was witnessing.

“Um,” I said. “This might sound crazy but I see little people wearing hard hats inside your body helping you heal…”  

Without missing a beat, she said, “Ah. The Construction Crew. I see them too during my client sessions.”  

Mic drop moment, right?

But after the session she felt better and I got certified. Bottom line?

Who cares if there’s little people inside helping us heal or if it’s all my rich imagination. Healing the energy of what keeps us stuck and suffering is what’s important. Imagination helps us get out of the logical brain of problems so the solution of full understanding drops in.

Use your rich imagination to create whatever you need to feel better so you can build a life of your best dreams. You are that powerful. What you think, you experience. Think beautiful healing thoughts about yourself and your world. Let yourself know that you ARE healed.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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