How to clear your DNA of ancestral trauma


Happy New Year!

We have much to celebrate. Many brave people are looking to their hearts first for their answers and taking action on their inner wisdom.

This is no small accomplishment. It’s taken many tens of thousands of years to get to this moment where many are realizing their inner worth, strength, and authentic power.

But what if you are working hard toward creating your best life and can’t seem to make any progress?

In my session work I’ve seen lots of old ancestral traumas being recreated through the DNA. Most of these generational dysfunctions start out as a deep emotional wound recreated in the lineage.

As an example, an ancestor ten generations back may have been betrayed in love and never got over it creating a real change in their DNA. This is the DNA that gets passed on in the lineage taking up energetic space until someone ends it.

Could this really happen?

Absolutely. We are energy. Period. Thoughts and emotions are energy and build everything in our world. DNA is the collection of that energy in physical form. When we procreate, we pass on the DNA to the next generation.

You have the full limitless power of the Creative Force within you—as does everyone else. When someone creates imbalance within their system especially through a deep emotion, it is passed on through the lineage.

The next generation feels and unconsciously acts on the unresolved emotion building momentum and energy. The outer world reflects the inner world by attracting the experience which makes it seem as if something is true, such as: I know the person I love will betray me. I can’t trust them. The experience will either authenticate the knowing sentiment attracting a cheater, or the loved one will leave for their own sense of sanity.

This ancestral dysfunction lives through the subconscious made physical in the DNA. The subconscious never forgets anything even though the conscious mind doesn’t remember. Most of us have no idea why we can’t shake something or change it.

However, each person has the right and ability to decide what they will believe and carry within their beautiful energy field. NO ONE can force anything onto you without your agreement. But if you do not agree, you must say so and refuse what is offered whether it is a misguided “curse or blessing.” Your intention holds all power for you. It surpasses and nullifies ancestral belief.  

Here’s an effective intention I brought through my journaled wisdom to help take back your power by clearing your DNA:

I refuse all vows, contracts, hexes, curses, and ill-will placed on and in my sacred being whether of my own creation or someone else’s.

My refusal holds true for all lifetimes, all dimensions, all vibrations, all frequencies.

I am filled with the light frequency inherent in me as a spark of the love from which I am created. This is my given power and security.

I claim my authentic perfect nature free from false identities, and take my place as a conscious creator.

I hold no one responsible for my life and remove all ill-will I may have created toward another whether I remember doing this or not.

I am completely free to be me without fear or reprimand in all times, places, and spaces.

And so it is.

If this feels right for you to say, then take it line by line, repeating out loud the statements that ring true and ignore the rest. Take a deep breath between statements and allow your DNA to integrate your new truth. Drink lots of water afterward.

And that’s it. Enjoy the new space created within your energy field. This frees up valuable creative power so you can move forward with ease as you create what you desire most without dragging the old lineage with you.

Cheers to the authentic free Spirit you are meant to be!

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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