How do you make your thoughts work for you and not against you?


I’ve said you are not the thought, but the thinker of the thought. Technically, that’s not completely true. A more accurate statement would be you are the watcher or witness who hears the incessant babble of the inner voice thinking all those thoughts.

If you pay attention, you’ll realize this inner voice never shuts up. Left unedited, it literally yaps every second of your waking hours with not one moment to yourself for peace and quiet. Worst yet, it has opinions about everything including you. Most of them critical, unkind, and not true

Don’t know what I’m talking about?

Try to sit in complete silence for a bit and you’ll meet the inner voice. It’s going to ramble because it’s the only way it knows how to be comfortable. It says things like: “This is stupid. Why am I doing this? There’s nobody here but me. I don’t have time for this. I need to call my friend, check my emails, do my exercises. I hate exercising. Maybe I’ll skip it today even though I’ll probably put on 10 pounds if I do. Are we out of milk? Where’s the cat? Geez the boss can be such a jerk. I hope it doesn’t rain today. Did I take the clothes out of the dryer?”

And on and on it goes. Everything but silence. Exhausting, isn’t it. You’d never live with someone like this because they’d drive you crazy.

So why do any of us put up with an insufferable chatter box like this? Especially when we know each of these thoughts is a unit of energy very much measurable and creative.

What would it be like to only think what you consciously choose and nothing else? What would it be like to have a mostly quiet, peaceful mind that’s ever aware? With this kind of alert focus what wouldn’t you be able to create!

So, how do you get your thoughts to work for you and not against you?

  1. Notice you are thinking all day long.

  2. Notice the quality of your thoughts. Are they helpful or just drivel narrative of what you already know? Or worse yet, are they critical, judgmental, and just plain mean. Things you’d never say out loud.

  3. Take control of your thoughts by becoming the neutral witness without attaching feelings or story to what your thoughts are. Notice without creating story. They are just thoughts boarding a train and heading out of town.  

  4. Edit out anything that loops into a story, is uninspired, judgmental, or a boring narrative of what is obvious. Just say STOP. And then choose the thoughts you want or just remain the witness watching thoughts rise and disappear.  

Practice this exercise each morning when your rise for 15 minutes. Stay with it. You’ll see within a week you start noticing your thoughts throughout the day and actively choosing what stays to create and what goes bye-bye. You can do this!  

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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