Got 60 seconds to love yourself?


There are times when we feel weighted by our experiences, as if the whole world rides on our shoulders. It’s during these times it’s hard to focus on anything positive. We can feel totally alone in our misery.

If this has happened to you then close your eyes, place your hand over your heart, and take a deep cleansing breath.

Imagine a golden flame flickering at the center of your heart. As you breathe focusing on the flame, it begins to glow brighter, stronger, bigger. Imagine that the longer you pay attention to the flame, the brighter it shines until it becomes so bright and strong that your whole heart is engulfed in golden light.

As you stay focused on the blaze within your heart, you begin to sense an ease to your breath, and perhaps a warmth in your chest. Perhaps you’ll even feel a subtle energy or pulsing vibration within your body. Continue breathing and basking in this healing space for as long (and as often) as you like.

This Heart Flame Connection is a beautiful, easy way to recenter and reconnect with your own eternal flame that is your strength, your power, your place of peace, and authentic Love.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.