Feeling overwhelmed? 20 ways to self-soothe


There’s so much intense stuff happening on the planet right now. Are you feeling the enormity of it? Are you feeling an inner shift you can’t name but shows up as symptoms of moodiness, overwhelm, hopelessness, confusion, exhaustion, body aches, or a sort of offness?

This energy is helping you move from oblivious creator of your human experience to someone who makes decisions based on a bigger awareness of who you are and what you're capable of.

It’s important to not be distracted by what’s going on around you—be aware, but don’t get lost in it. Take stock of what is actually true in your world without moving too far into the rabbit hole of things you can’t control. And find ways to self-soothe while your body, mind, and spirit shift into alignment. Here are 20:

  1. Do nothing. Sit and stare if you want to without the pressure of accomplishing anything. You are already doing much as you make this huge transition from unconscious creator to aware of who you really are. This is a gigantic leap of human evolution and it's happening right now through you.

  2. Don't make yourself wrong for how you feel or think something "should" be different. These symptoms are part of your process, and everyone has their own way of shifting awareness. This is your way. Trust yourself to know and experience your best way without judging your process.

  3. Breathe. Can't say that enough. Breathe. Breathing is the first thing you actually did as a human being. Breathe slowly and intentionally. Your breath is equal to your life. Try not to take it for granted.

  4. Drink water. Drink water. DRINK WATER.

  5. Listen to music/sound such as the solfeggio frequencies. (Lots of free YouTube downloads available)

  6. Self-apply the Havening Technique. Havening involves a simple touch of the hands, upper arms and face that generates feel-good Delta brainwaves. (Technique available free online)

  7. Journal. Write whatever comes to you. Get out the big feelings, the misunderstandings, the confusion, the hurt and frustrations. Have a good heart to heart with your soul. No judging this process, either. If you need a prompt, here's a journal I created to help you: https://www.marymbauer.com/40-conversations

  8. Get all electrical devices out of your bedroom. Use a battery-operated alarm clock. Keep your cell phone out of your bedroom. Your energy field is already highly charged without adding more frequencies. (Many studies prove electronics disrupt brain function.)

  9. Wear soft, comfortable clothing. Your skin has a plethora of sensory receptors waiting for you to wear something fluffy. (Or that could just be me. 😉)

  10. Go to bed when you're tired. Doesn't matter if it's the same time as your toddler. Your body knows what it needs. Don't fight your body.

  11. Turn off the TV and take a break from electronics. Don’t watch anything that brings you conflict, anxiety, or feelings of hopelessness. Don’t read dystopian material for entertainment. These things only make you feel worse about humanity. You begin to believe everyone is like what you read and watch. Instead, make a list of things/people that inspire.

  12. Do something creative—try a new recipe, paint, write, learn a new skill, dance, sing, quilt, work a puzzle, draw, create a bucket list.

  13. Scream at the top of your lungs. Sing as loudly as you can. This helps clear the energy around your throat, giving voice to that big energy that needs to express.

  14. Do jumping jacks. Super grounding exercise.

  15. Sit in sunshine. Nothing like soaking in some good Vitamin D to lift your spirits and build a stronger immune system.

  16. Gaze at the sky and watch the clouds roll by. Let your imagination turn fluffy clouds into mystical creatures and angelic beings.

  17. Take an Epsom salt bath. Relieves the aches, removes toxins.

  18. Wear wild orange essential oil to lift your mood, energize, and help with digestion.

  19. Give your body a good brushing. Helps the lymphatic system.

  20. Stare at a candle flame. Relaxes, soothes, and quiets the mind.

There are gazillions of ways to get through your own unique alignment during these ever-increasing intense times. These are just a few suggestions. Bring awareness to what your process is and what works for you, and allow it to be fluid, changeable, and what is needed in the moment.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.