Drop fear by practicing mindfulness


Spiritual masters stress the importance of mindfulness, but I hadn’t been able to commit to it as much as I’d like. When triggered, many times my immediate response was a big emotion and story versus pause, deep breath, quiet mind, then ask the questions: What is this really about? Why am I so upset by this?

I’ve found since Ireland I’m finally doing the latter more often than not. Yay!😊 This has given me a new sense of calm and control. I’m not nearly as caught up in the moods, triggers, or fears of anyone else. A good thing for sure, and something I was hoping to gain from a bit of time away from the normal distractions of day-to-day living like bill paying, household/yard chores, work, etc. 

Life is not meant to be rushed. The example of evolution teaches us that nothing about it was meant to be hurried along. Life is one moment folding into the next moment and the next, building into a natural outcome creating the options for what happens next.  

In a world of constant change, the process of moment-by-moment creation does not change. If you rush, you won’t realize the experience you call forward which folds into the next moment. Whatever you gain won’t be complete because you won’t have the conscious understanding of the creation process you are an intimate part of. You won’t know what your thoughts/feelings/actions helped create on both the large and intimate scale.  

There is a belief that if you go slow, you won’t accomplish much. This isn’t true. You always accomplish 100 percent of what you are conscious of in the moment. This mindful wholeness of the moment brings the next and the next creating predictable results. Your understanding and confidence grows as you allow the ‘time’ necessary to see this is so. 

Creating (thinking/doing) through mindfulness is the fastest, most certain way to experience more of what you desire.

Take your pauses every time before making any decision, or when triggered, or in conversations. You will see and feel a quality of life that is vibrant, joyful, and fearless as the internal battles and patterns drift away.

This is the life I want and feel was intended for all of us. One fun way to learn and integrate a conscious life experience is to come to the Winds of Change 5-day retreat along the beautifully powerful North Shores of Lake Superior. There are still a couple spots open for this mind-altering, spiritually shifting event. For more info, click here.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

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