Do you know what to ask for?


There’s all kinds of books and mantras promoting the power of intention, and for good reason. Intention, coupled with desire, then followed through with action, can move mountains.

A few weeks ago, I had a desire for fresh flowers. I set an intention to have fresh flowers in my home all the time. It was a silent intention, so my hubby knew nothing about it.

The first week I bought flowers and divided them into three vases. They lasted about 12 days. Same with the second bunch I bought. I threw out the last of them midweek. By this time three weeks had gone by and I had totally forgotten about my intention.

On Friday of that week, my hubby came home with a bouquet of beautiful glowing yellow-orange roses. They looked like sunshine, and summer, and tequila sunrises. My heart soared.

“Here,” he said to me as he handed them over with a grin.

“Wow! They’re gorgeous,” I said. “What made you buy them?” Buying flowers is unusual for my hubby. He brings flowers on my birthday and our anniversary. Period.

“I know, right?” he said, a bit mystified himself it seemed. “I walked by them in the grocery store and thought they were nice, but I didn’t grab them. When I got my shopping done, I saw them again and thought you’d like them.”

Well, how cool is that?! But it was as I was putting them in vases that I remembered my intention: I wanted to have fresh flowers in my home all the time.

The power of your heartfelt intention is real and it is powerful and it can prompt someone to buy you flowers even if they don’t know why other than they think you’ll like them.

What are you asking for?

If you need help sorting that out, perhaps my upcoming 4-week online class in March can help bring some clarity. Uncover and Ignite Your Authentic Power will teach you what the 5 core behavior patterns are that keep you stuck in distraction, the 4 steps every master uses to consciously create their reality, belief system hacks that work, and so much more.

Some workshop testimonies:

  • “This course helped me release my deepest fears and find my truest desire. I’ve shared a lot of this information with my coworkers and their jaws dropped. So useful in my day-to-day life.”

  • “This class works. It helped me get out of my own way. Now everything I want is pouring in and fast! Thank you!”

  • “A stimulating interactive workshop. Mary’s meticulously thorough and practical approach helped me take the steps needed to consciously create my life as I want it. By the end of the workshop, I got my mojo back in full force!! This workshop is a huge step forward in conscious awareness.”

  • “A cathartic experience!”

  • “The brain hacks really work. I now use the code word ‘banana’ to stop my mind story.”

  • “Thanks so much for the class…made a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE!”

  • “More please!”

Click this link to sign up for the workshop. Hope to see you there!

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

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