Anxious? Try this


Here’s a quick little human biology lesson:

According to Medical News Today (Left brain vs. right brain: Characteristics, functions, and myths ( the left hemisphere of your brain deals with the intellect. The right side covers the emotions. Before the age of seven, your brain functions with both sides working in unison—thought and feeling.

After age seven, brain functionality separates. You are no longer operating in both hemispheres at the same time. Mostly for 2-3 hours you are in the left hemisphere, then for 2-3 hours you are in the right hemisphere depending on what you are doing.

That’s why sometimes during the day you’re more emotional about things and sometimes you’re more focused intellectually. If you can feel yourself more anxious at times, here’s a simple way to feel calmer by integrating both brain hemispheres:

  1. Your right arm is controlled by the left-brain hemisphere. The left arm is controlled by the right-brain hemisphere. You have a governing (main) meridian that runs through the center of your body. Cross your right arm over the middle of your body into the left side zone. This action is picked up by both right and left brain.

  2. Now do the opposite crossing left arm over to your right side, giving yourself a little hug. Both sides of your brain are engaged.

  3. Now put your arms straight out in front of you. Cross them at the wrists. Then link your fingers. Turn hands under, bend elbows, and bring all to the center of your chest. Cross your ankles, or if you can, cross your legs and sit like the yogis.

  4. You are now in an integrated state. Within a few seconds you’ll start to feel calmer and the anxiety lessoning. Hold this position for a minute or two.  

You can do this technique when stressed, but it’s also a doorway for super learning. An integrated whole brain acts like a sponge for information. That’s why kids are such fast learners.

NOTE: —The study of the brain is still imperfect and ongoing. However, the above material is what is believed true as of 2021.   

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. (You may also choose Emotion Code at the time of purchase.) Click here to schedule.

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