Are you sabotaging what you want most?

I have a question for you. It’s an important one. Here it is: What do you want most?

Seriously. What is it you want? What is it your heart bleeds for? What is it you can’t help thinking about?

Me? My number one heart’s desire is to be a consistent #1 New York Times bestselling author.

Ok, so you know my deepest desire, what’s yours? What is it you want most?

Got it? Good. Now here’s another question: how much time do you spend thinking about how you don’t have what you want? How many of your thoughts are spent wishing and pining for what you want, and yet you don’t see it? Maybe you think, sure, this great thing is for the lucky few, but not you because that’s just the way the world works. You’re just not lucky enough, or talented enough, or don’t know the right people…”

Your focus is on what you don’t want. And that, my friend, is the number one reason we don’t see what we want in our reality…yet.

Consistent focus brings everything into your reality. Focusing on what you don’t want keeps the unwanted thing firmly in place for you no matter what other cool things are happening in your life.

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Because you’ve created momentum with these thoughts. A LOT of it. These thoughts have become like a twenty ton boulder crashing down a mountainside crushing everything in its path.

And what are you doing? You’re running wildly out in front of this massive monster, panic in your eyes, lungs on fire, tripping and falling, branches ripping at your face, desperately trying to save yourself.

You’ve no time to notice the way the sun lights each pristine leaf as it shines through the treetops, or the good aroma of the ground beneath your feet, or even the way every muscle and tendon in your body works in perfect harmony with the impulses it receives from your brain.

You have one focus. Survival. You know you can’t stop the boulder from rolling. Nothing can stop it. There’s too much momentum. So terrified are you that it never occurs to step to one side and let the thing pass. No, no, you’re sure you’re doing the right thing. You must outrun it. There’s no other way. 

That’s the momentum we create when we let our thoughts run wild without editing. We don’t realize it is us who put these thoughts out in front of the boulder, and in essence, create the thing.   

There’s a solution: Retrain your focus. DECIDE what you want and pay attention to that.

Find a notebook and write down what you want. Write it down ten times. Do this every day, preferably when you first wake before the thinking starts. This is the quickest way to refocus your brain on what you do want. You are creating a new pattern, telling the brain to look for your good.

And as you write, get into the feeling of what it would be like for you to have this thing you want. See yourself in this future. Feel the absolute certainty that it is yours because you KNOW it’s yours or you wouldn’t want it.   

Next, devote time every day to doing the things you need to do to bring this dream to reality. SCHEDULE this time on your calendar.

For me, I write every morning no matter what. I can wish to be a consistent #1 New York Times bestselling author, but that won’t get me anywhere. I have to actually LIVE my life as a consistent #1 New York Times bestselling author NOW in order to be one and that means writing. The more I visualize myself as a consistent #1 New York Times bestselling author, the more I FEEL like one, and that feeling is powerful. It aligns my energy with that of my dreams creating the outcome I desire. And it feels super good! I’m focused solely on my heart’s desire and not whining or beating myself up for what I don’t yet see.

Then tell someone what you’re doing. Get an accountability buddy you check in with once a week. This helps keep you on track simply because someone else is depending on you to keep your goals. I promise you, this works.  

If you’d like to better understand what’s happening in your life right now and tools for a new focus, book a Healing Touch energy session with me.  If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.